Tartu Art Museum’s new exhibition Wide Angle II. The New School in Tartu Photography is open from 22nd January in the museum’s project room. This exposition focuses on the Tartu photo scene and its active participants. In addition to photos, memories collected during the project are also exhibited.
Artists: Madis Katz, Sigrid Kuusk, Tiit Lepp, Taavi Piibemann, Diana Tamane, Anna-Stina Treumund
Curator: Julia Polujanenkova
The present exhibition is compiled as part of the archive project Tartu 88 and this time concentrates on the Tartu photo scene. The first part Wide Angle I. The Independent Beginning of Tartu (27.11.2015-17.01.2016) focused on those photographers who have been active and participated in exhibitions since the 1990ies. The second part Wide Angle II. The New School in Tartu Photography is opened in January and explores the Department of Photography at the Tartu Art College and the new generation that came after it was opened.
In 1990ies it became possible to receive photography higher education in art institutions in Estonia. In 1997 the Department of Photography in Tartu Art College replaced the photography clubs that had before been popular in Tartu. The Department, that was founded with the help of Vallo Kalamees and has been headed by Peeter Linnap since 2002, became known for graduates of high professional quality. A lot of them have had successful careers as artists: Madis Katz, Taavi Piibemann, Diana Tamane and Anna-Stina Treumund. The others use their skills mainly in fields related to photography: fashion photographer Sigrid Kuusk and photojournalist Tiit Lepp.
Exhibited works and additional materials come from Tartu Art Museum’s collections and the artists themselves. Interviews with artists and the art historian Indrek Grigor accompany the exhibition.
Exhibition team: Karl Feigenbaum, Margus Joonsalu, Krista Palm, Peeter Talvistu, Tiiu Talvistu, Ago Teedema
Graphic design: Tnxalatte design collective
Support: Polven OÜ
Special thanks: Indrek Grigor