
Youth Mode


On March 12, at 6 pm a new international exhibition Youth Mode will be opened in Tartu Art Museum (Tartmus). A performance by young Polish artist KrzysztofBagiński will take place during the opening!

Participating artists: Maria Ader, Helmi Arrak, Krzysztof Bagiński, Egle Budvytyte, artist collective Democracia, Eike Eplik, Minna Hint, Miguel B. Jaques, Ada  Karczmarczyk, Mari-Leen Kiipli, Kiwa, Kaarel Kurismaa, Kulla Laas, Mihkel Maripuu, Johanna Mudist, Art Nõukas, Jüri Ojaver, Ats Parve, Bruno Peinado, Anastassia Šarõmova, Aap Tepper, Timo Toots, Leonardo Ulian, Mari Volens, Kristina Õllek

Curators: Marika Agu, Nele Ambos, Hanna-Liis Kont, Julia Polujanenkova

The purpose of the exhibition is to look at youth as a lifestyle rather than a generational attribute, analyzing at the theme through both local and international artists’ works. It asks questions about our everyday behaviors, choices and attitudes. The exhibition is inspired by the discussions that arose in the Estonian media in 2014, in which people attempted to define and understand the people of the so-called Generation Y who were born between the years 1980–2000.

The exhibition Youth Mode characterises youth in the modern society. Youth is a lifelong state where the individual asks themselves “how should I live?” over and over again.  Youth is freedom! The exhibited works are based on keywords that describe youth as a lifestyle, such as hedonism, the rejection of responsibility, the search for identity, the overabundance of information, the ASAP-regime, cosmopolitanism and the culture of mixing.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue, which include the conception of the exhibition, a vocabulary of notions that are connected with that conception, brief biographies of all the artists involved, photos of the exhibits and texts introducing and analyzing these exhibits. The authors of the catalogue are Marika Agu, Nele Ambos, Hanna-Liis Kont and Julia Polujanenkova, the graphic designer is Mariana Hint, translators are Karl Erik Saks and Kelli Põldsalu, editors are Dana Karjatse and Paul Emmet. The catalogue is in Estonian and English languages.

Artist Ats Parve’s work “Projection” is exhibited in a webgallery at www.tartmus.ee/atsparveprojection.

Within the additional programme of the exhibition, concerts will be held in the main hall of the second floor, where Estonian artists whose works pursue genre-defying sound will perform. The first concert by meisterjaan will take place on March 26, at 7 pm. Tickets (4 €) can be bought in the museum. The number of tickets available is limited!

The exhibition is also accompanied by educational programmes and poster-workshops for children of different ages and guided tours for adults. The workshops are conducted by artist and graphic designer Anastassia Šarõmova. Additional information about educational programmes kristel@tartmus.ee.

Exhibition team:

Graphic designer: Mariana Hint

Technical team: Siim Lillo, Kristjan Nagla, Andre Visnapuu

Educational program: Kristel Sibul, UVKE, Anastassia Šarõmova

Communication: Hanna-Liis Kont, Julia Polujanenkova, Karin Sepp

Exhibit organizers would like to thank: Viktor Karabut, Reigo Kuivjõgi, Jaanika Kuznetsova, Kelli Põldsalu, University of Tartu museum

Supporters: DSV Global Transport and Logistics, Estonian Cultural Endowment, JCDecaux Group, LLC Polven, LLC Valge Klaar