
That Was a Pretty Varied Field. Art from Margus Punab’s Collection


The curators of the exhibition “That Was a Pretty Varied Field” have decided to bring together landscapes from the art collection of Margus Punab, which is otherwise known for its focus on existentialism and sexuality. Subconscious values and everything we don’t even know that we know play an important role in people’s self-expression. In art, where we expect sincerity from the author, elements that come unconsciously to the artist are even more visible than usual to the viewer. Reflecting on their own fleeting existence, artists often seek and find solace in a seemingly eternal landscapes, the character of which speaks perhaps even more about the author than about the fear of temporality.

Concept: Katrin Kivimaa
Curators: Indrek Grigor and Peeter Krosmann
Exhibition design: Peeter Krosmann
Graphic design: Katrin Nõu
Quotes selected by: Eva Lepik

Participating artists: Jüri Arrak, Ülevi Eljand, Valve Janov, Andrus Joonas, Siiri Jüris, Kristiina Kaasik, René Kari, Jüri Kask, Concordia Klar, Nikolai Kormašov, Toomas Kuusing, Malle Leis, Lola Liivat, Kerttu Lätt, Toomas Kalve, Kiwa, Mari Kurismaa, Sally Mann, Tanja Muravskaja, Maarit Murka, Meiu Münt, Mall Nukke, Priit Pajos, Enn Põldroos, Kaljo Põllu, Paul Saar, Liina Siib, Aleksander Suumann, Imat Suumann, Andres Sütevaka, Andres Tolts, Jaan Toomik, Anna-Stina Treumund, Helle Vahersalu, Valeri Vinogradov

Exhibition team: Nele Ambos, Joanna Hoffmann, Margus Joonsalu, Viktor Kiss, Katrin Lõoke, Tõru-Tõnn Parts, Kristel Sibul, Jaanika Peebo, Peeter Talvistu, Ago Teedema, Urmo Teekivi


Exhibition views
Photos: Madis Katz