Brussels’ Prelude: The Liminal Zone

Sten Eltermaa’s photo and installation exhibition “Brussels’ prelude: the liminal zone“ will be opened on the 28th of October at 18:00, on the third floor project room in Tartu Art Museum. It is the first exhibition in the series “Young Tartu” that provides young artists connected with Tartu an opportunity for displaying their work and receiving an experience of professional production.

The exhibition will remain open until the 17th of December 2017.

The photography and installation exhibition “Brussels’ Prelude“ by Sten Eltermaa brings the visitor face to face with the lines of authority and contradictory nature of the Brussels’ European Quarter, which hosts most of the EU government buildings. The anonymous architecture of alienated modernist administrative buildings is steadily gaining in relevance in our homely Estonia as well, in the midst of the current rise of skyscrapers, super-ministries and headquarters’. The Brussels’ Euro Quarter is characterized by glass facades, post-modern games with form and materials and architecture with a pretension of neutrality and openness. But closed zones, video cameras which observe and record everyone and everything and heavily armed military patrols surveying the streets also form a part of it. Eltermaa has studied the relations and connections between the dweller and his environment, using playful and creative resources, practicing a natural need for wandering around, which may also be classified as psychogeography. The artist maps a space whose claims are contradictory, it seems open behind the transparent glass, while being mirroring and harshly closed.

The photography and installation exhibition ”Brussels’ Prelude“ develops the themes already present in his former projects, the photo series ”In Limbo“ and in ”Hydrostatic Objects“. An artist talk focusing on Eltermaa’s reflection on the exhibition process, feedback and thoughts will take place on the 28th as part of the exhibition opening.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a dual-lingual brochure consisting of an interview with the artist, photos of the works and an article focusing on the themes of “Brussels’ prelude.” The interview was performed and edited by Heiti Kulmar, the article was written by freelance curator and art critic Ekaterina Shcherbakova. Graphic design for the brochure was done by Jaan Evart. Language editing and translation by Martin Luiga. The brochure is in English and Estonian.


Curator: Heiti Kulmar
Consultant: Hanna-Liis Kont
Graphic design: Jaan Evart

Team: Liis Haasma, Joanna Hoffmann, Margus Joonsalu, Julia Polujanenkova, Ago Teedema, Urmo Teekivi, Piia Õunpuu

OUR GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO: Ruben Alonso, Digifoto, Duo picture frames, Joanna Hoffmann, Kane Metall, Kivihoov, Klaasissepp, Kolmeraudne Special Projects, Ainu Loorits, Krista Loorits, Kadi Meriluht, Kaarel Raig and Ekaterina Shcherbakova.

SUPPORTERS: Hektor Design Hostel, City of Tartu, Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Additional info:
Heiti Kulmar
Sculpture collection custodian
+372 58581678