Local Beauty. The Tallinn Jewellery Factory
08.03–28.09 -
Terje Ojaver. Serpent
08.03–28.09 -
Vajiko Chachkhiani. Winter which was not there
08.03–04.05 -
Karin Luts. Travel Images
Katrin LõokeCommunications and Marketing Specialist
Email: katrin.Looke@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 519 80660
Collections’ Department
Mare JoonsaluHead of Collection Management / Keeper of Paintings Collection
Email: mare.joonsalu@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 534 32994
Annegret KriisaKeeper of Sculpture Collection
Email: annegret.kriisa@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 519 94252
Exhibitions’ Department
Kristel SibulCurator of Art Education Programmes
Email: kristel.sibul@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 588 17801
Managing Department
Jaanika PeeboHead of Administration and Development
Email: jaanika.peebo@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 588 17810
Katariina LeetsE-shop and Museum Shop Coordinator
Email: katariina.leets@tartmus.ee
Phone: +372 588 17804