Museum Choreography


From 29 September the international group show Museum Choreography is open at the Tartu Art Museum which places the audience members at the centre of the exhibition. Among the participants are internationally renowned dance artists as well as acclaimed authors from Estonia.

Participating artists: Bojana Cvejić, Xenoula Eleftheriades, William Forsythe, Maria Hassabi, Lennart Laberenz, kadrinoormets, Abby Page, Karl Saks, Maarja Tõnisson, Zorka Wollny

The exhibition will be open until 7 January 2018.

The exhibition is made up of works that explore the art museum context via the means of dance and choreography. The exhibited works put the audience at the centre of attention – all the works emphasise that the museum is an environment created by people with their daily presence – their views, cultural backgrounds, behaviour and movement.

Several works look at the public’s movement in relation to exhibited artworks or give the visitors guidelines how to move in the space. Another central topic explored in the exhibition is the act of looking – its physicality, context and manipulation with that context.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue in Estonian and English languages which includes additional information about the participating artists and exhibited works as well as a further reading list. Longer analyses of the possible manifestations of dance and choreography at art museums are also provided.

Catalogue compiler: Hanna-Liis Kont; authors of the texts: Liisi Aibel, Henri Hütt, Hanna-Liis Kont, Marie Pullerits, Evelyn Raudsepp, Kai Valtna, Iiris Viirpalu; graphic design: Viktor Gurov; translator: Peeter Talvistu; proofreaders: Karme Beek, Richard Adang

At the museum shop the catalogue costs 3,5 €.

During the school holidays (26–28 October) Moving Art workshops will be carried out for free at the exhibition by UK dance artists Abby Page and Xenoula Eleftheriades. As a result of the workshops an additional work will be added to the exhibition. The number of participants is limited, registration is available on the museum’s website.

Views of the exhibition:

Curator: Hanna-Liis Kont
Consultant: Iiris Viirpalu
Authors of the texts: Liisi Aibel, Henri Hütt, Hanna-Liis Kont, Marie Pullerits, Evelyn Raudsepp, Kai Valtna, Iiris Viirpalu
Exhibition design: Siim Karro
Graphic design: Viktor Gurov
Educational programme: Kristel Sibul

Team: Richard Adang, Nele Ambos, Karme Beek, Karl Feigenbaum, Liis Haasma, Margus Joonsalu, Joanna Hoffmann, Julia Polujanenkova, Peeter Talvistu, Kristo Tamm, Urmo Teekivi, Piia Õunpuu, Valge Kuup

Supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Goethe-Institut Tallinn, Sõbralt Sõbrale




More information:

Hanna-Liis Kont
Manager of Exhibitions Department