Monologue With Youth


On Thursday, the 23rd of April, Tartu Art Museum (Tartmus) opens a new art exhibition called Monologue With Youth, which is curated by a group of Miina Härma Gymnasium students. The exhibition centers on the self-searching and doubtful period that is the blooming and colorful youth, as well as complements the already opened exhibition Youth Mode.

The purpose of the exhibition is to dissert youth as a spiritual journey, which is characterized by extreme aims, sweet but painful first love, difficult self-searching and vivid memories. The exhibited paintings are not related to a specific time period due to youth being a concept that is desired forever and its value not being connected to an era.

The selection of artworks on display could be seen as a journey that begins with suave primary school and runs its course through rough high school into a magical and long-awaited future. This is a time period where one can find inner balance with oneself and the rest of the world. The spirit of youth is defined by new beginnings, explorations, uncertainty, living in the present and constant changes.

The students’ curating job is a part of the museum and school’s pilot project, with a purpose of introducing Estonian art history to a variety of students from all ages.

The displayed artworks belong to Tartu Art Museum’s collection and a private collection. Exhibited artists are Adamson-Eric, Nikolai Bogdanov-Belski, Kadri Kangilaski, Tauno Kangro, Andrus Kasemaa, Maire Koll, Ilmar Kruusamäe, August Künnapu, Malle Leis, Karin Luts, Margus Meinart, August Pulst, Olga Terri, Toomas Tõnissoo and Aili Vint.

The curators are students from Miina Härma Gymnasium, Kadri-Ann Freiberg, Susi Ann Kaljas, Katrin Kaurov, Mari-Ann Leetmaa, Sander Lillo, Anniki Mikelsaar and Iris Värsi. Instructors are Ivika Hiis and Kristel Sibul.

Supporter: Ministry of Education

The exhibition is opened until May 17th.
