Barbora Kleinhamplová. Irresistible


Irresistible opens up a space to reflect BDSM as a subversive sphere through which wider social change could take place thanks to individual initiatives. Mistress Velvet was a queer dominatrix from Chicago (originally from Ghana) but also a graduate of Gender Studies with focus on the African diaspora. Work in the sex industry became a part of their academic life. Clients who came to Velvet questioned their identities and worked with them to address patriarchal oppression and reparations through black feminist literature. The film is a visual-poetical manifesto which centers on the protagonist as a potential agent of a future revolution. The film also unintentionally became a farewell to Mistress Velvet who unfortunately passed away in March of 2021.


Curator: Indrek Grigor
Coordinator: Kristlyn Liier
Graphic design: Laura Merendi
Translation: Peeter Talvistu
Language editing: Anti Saar & Richard Adang

Exhibition team: Mari Hiiemäe, Joanna Hoffmann, Margus Joonsalu, Katrin Lõoke, Tõru-Tõnn Parts, Jaanika Peebo, Kristel Sibul, Ago Teedema, Urmo Teekivi


Exhibition views
Photos: Madis Katz