Photo Hunt for Youth

You are the one we are looking for!

At Tartmus Youth Club we welcome youths who are interested in art. We get acquainted with various creative fields, engage with interesting people and topics and visit cool places. Usually we meet at the Tartu Art Museum. If you feel like you would like to know more about art and visual culture, join us already on the 18th of September at 5 pm, when we will go on a photo hunt with the photographer Uku Peterson. We will take a nice tour in autumnal Tartu and see what catches our eye. Maybe we’ll even learn some new photography tips. 

See you soon!

Participating in the photo hunt is free of charge. You don’t have to take anything with you besides your phone or a camera. The tour will start at the Tartu Art Museum, which is located at Raekoja plats 18.

Keep an eye on the Club’s activities on Instagram @tartmusnoored.