This year marks the 100th anniversary of the surrealist movement, which over the century has offered inspiration to many creators and compelling experiences to the general public. 2024 is also the year when Tartu, the capital of surrealism in Estonia, is the European capital of culture. Therefore, it is logical to tie these two important events together and to celebrate them even more grandly.

The Estonian National Museum and Tartu Art Museum are hosting the exhibition series Surrealism 100. We invited the National Gallery Prague to collaborate with us on the exhibition Surrealism 100. Prague, Tartu and Other Stories … at the Estonian National Museum because Prague was the other important centre of surrealism in Europe during the 20th century besides Paris: the artists communicated closely with their Parisian counterparts and a programmatic approach was used for surrealism. The most important authors of the surrealist movement in Prague were Toyen and Jindřich Štyrský for the first generation, Mikuláš Medek, Emila Medková, Josef Istler and Václav Tikal for the second one, and Jan Švankmajer and Eva Švankmajerová for the third one.

In Estonia, surrealism was approached in a less organised manner. Many artists, such as Eduard Wiiralt and Karin Luts, included surrealist motifs in their works, but they did not dedicate themselves to the movement. Ülo Sooster and certainly Ilmar Malin can be seen as the most consistent surrealist authors in Estonia. The latter was also one of the founders of the surrealist artists’ group Para’89. In addition, fascinating examples of surrealism can be found among the oeuvre of numerous Estonian artists of the 20th century and can be proudly presented to the public on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of this internationally renowned movement.

Surrealism 100. Prague, Tartu and Other Stories … is an exhibition in which Czech and Estonian surrealism will start a dialogue. The two sides seem very different, but the two countries do share the complicated fate that during the 20th century they were in the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. Like Estonian art and culture, the art of the Czechs and the rest of Central and Eastern Europe have been undeservedly left out of the scope of larger narratives. Western Europe forcefully tells its own story, and it is time that we on this side of Europe do the same.

The exhibition is accompanied by a richly illustrated expansive catalogue introducing Estonian and Czech surrealism.

The exhibition is part of the main programme of Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture.


Curator of the Czech surrealist works: Anna Pravdová, Ph.D (National Gallery Prague)
Curators of the Estonian surrealist works: Joanna Hoffmann (Tartu Art Museum) and Kristlyn Liier (Tartu Art Museum)
Graphic design: Valter Jakovski (Ruum 414)
Exhibition design: Neeme Külm, Kadri Villand (Valge Kuup Studio)
Coordinator: Kristlyn Liier

Peeter Allik, Jüri Arrak, Karol Baron, Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí, Jan Daňhel, Giorgio de Chirico, Eike Eplik, Max Ernst, Libor Fára, Albert Gulk, Jindřich Heisler, Josef Istler, František Janoušek, Valve Janov, Silvia Jõgever, Elo Järv, Kristiina Kaasik, Jass Kaselaan, Concordia Klar, Andrus Kasemaa, Raivo Kelomees, Raivo Korstnik, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Roman Kubík, Mari Kurismaa, Kaja Kärner, Bohdan Lacina, Malle Leis, Kris Lemsalu, Karin Luts, Vincenc Makovský, Ilmar Malin, Olav Maran, Přemysl Martinec, Mikuláš Medek, Emila Medková, Valdur Ohakas, Jüri Palm, Priit Pangsepp, Kateřina Piňosová, Enn Põldroos, Tiit Pääsuke, Kersti Rattus, Man Ray, Lembit Saarts, Lembit Sarapuu, Ahti Seppet, Ludmilla Siim, Üle Sooster, Martin Stejskal, Jindřich Štyrský, Jan Švankmajer, Eva Švankmajerová, Enn Tegova, Václav Tikal, Toyen, Peeter Ulas, Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark, Einar Vene, Heldur Viires, Vello Vinn, Eduard Wiiralt, Ülo Õun, Ervin Õunapuu, Václav Zykmund

Owners of the works:
Art Museum of Estonia, National Gallery Prague, Tartu Art Museum, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb, COLLETT Prague | Munich, 8smicka Foundation, LennArt Collection, Kunsthalle Praha, South Bohemian Gallery, Moderna Museet, and private collections

Exhibition team:
Nele Ambos, Lea Bennis, Dénes Farkas, Indrek Grigor, Aksel Haagensen, Mare Joonsalu, Margus Joonsalu, Aivi Jürgenson, Laura Kipper, Liisi Kõuhkna, Reet Mark, Kadri Mägi, Johann Taniel Möldre, Jaanika Peebo, Anti Saar, Kristel Sibul, Tiit Sibul, Peeter Talvistu, Lauri Tamm, Ago Teedema, Urmo Teekivi, Maarja Vaikmaa, Iivi Zajedova, and Mae Variksoo

Helen Adamson, Oliver Berg, Jaana Jüris, Liisa Kaljula, Erni Kask, Juta Kivimäe, Hegely Klaus, Alicja Knast, Kai Lobjakas, Martin McLean, Radka Neumannová, Kertu Saks, Bertrand Schmitt, Jan Švankmajer, Elnara Taidre, Kati Torp, Jaan Ulst, Helen Volber, KLG Kolimisteenused, Kunsttrans, and Plado Art Services

Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture